Thief of Wealth

blockchain 종류 및 예시, permissioned/permissionless 특징 및 attack종류, Hyperledger 

1. (발표용)Do you need a block chain_ kor.pptx

1. (복사용_영)Do you need a block chain_ eng.pptx

2. (발표용) On Blockchain Security and Relevant Attacks_ kor.pptx

2. (복사용_영) On Blockchain Security and Relevant Attacks_ kor.pptx

3. (발표용) Attack Surface Analysis of Permissioned Blockchain Platforms for Smart Cities_kor.pptx

3. (복사용_영) Attack Surface Analysis of Permissioned Blockchain Platforms for Smart Cities_kor - 복사본 (2).pptx

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